Parental Support
Food and Meals during COVID-19 by the Beausejour-Brokenhead Food Security Network
Facebook Page from Constable Gord Olson
Please find below a Facebook page that provides information from Constable Gord Olson with the Manitoba RCMP ICE Unit. Constable Olson has worked for their Internet Child Exploitation Unit for the last 10 years. He has delivered presentations to schools since 2013. You will find the "Before You Hit Send" parent presentation that parents and students can watch while there are staying home. There is also an opportunity for parents to send a Facebook Message with any questions as well. He has also added other tips daily/weekly dealing with social media, screen time, and the like. Teen Clinic
Updated Information (May 15, 2020)Hello Youth Info Poster Teen Services (May 2020)
Updated Information (March 2020)
*A message from Interlake Eastern RHA Teen Clinics*
Interlake Eastern Regional Health Teen Clinics are doing their part to protect all from COVID-19. We will remain open with some social distancing adaptations.
1: Please call your teen clinic first, before walking in
2: An initial assessment by a health care provider will be completed on the phone. This includes teen mental health counselling services.
3: Please come alone or with one support person, no groups.
4: If you are feeling ill, are on full isolation or have travelled out of province in the last 14 days, please call and we will work something out with you.
Oakbank Teen Clinic: 204-268-5180 Wednesdays 11-4Selkirk Teen Clinic: 204-785-7500 Thursdays 12-6
Beausejour Teen Clinic: 204-268-2288 Thursdays 11-4:30
Find a Teen Clinic near you
Clinic staff help teens by promoting healthy lifestyle choices, provide information and providing counselling.
At the teen clinic you'll find: a physician and/or nurse practitioner, a public health nurse, clerical support, volunteers
You can get:
- a physical examination
- information on reproductive health
- prescriptions
- infection testing
- general health information
- referrals
- healthy eating education
- a safe place to talk about mental health issues, pregnancy, relationships, or whatever else is on your mind!
Is It Confidential?
YES! Teen Clinic services are confidential. The only people that will know you use Teen Clinic are the health care providers.
You will have a chart at the Teen Clinic that is available only to Teen Clinic staff, who are responsible for your care.
One exception to the confidentiality policy: When an individual is at risk of harm or abuse by themselves or someone else and requires protection. At the same time a social worker would become involved.
Mumps Disease Prevention & Mumps Public Health Fact Sheet
Safety Rules
Most students already know safety rules to keep safe.
Here are a few reminders and tips:
- Don't talk to, take anything from or go anywhere with strangers.
- If you are approached or followed by a stranger, trust your instincts and seek help immediately. Leave the situation, attract attention by yelling.
- When seeking help, always go to a trusted adult – teacher, coach, police officer, other parent, or older siblings.
- Use the buddy system, avoid walking anywhere alone.
- Report any suspicious activity to your local school and police department.